Saturday, July 23, 2011

My Top List of Hot Guys

I made a list a while ago on deviantART but my taste has changed a bit, so here's a new one!

1. Dave Grohl (Last Position - 1)
Dave has the greatest smile, greatest sense of humor, and a greatest personality ever. He's not as "strikingly hot" as Chris Cornell, but his personality is one to fall for. I think he was adorable in Nirvana/early Foo Fighters. Though, his facial hair is hot.

2. Chris Cornell (Last Position - 2)
If this chart was based on looks, Chris would be #1 in a heart beat, but it's not. Chris does have a very funny personality too. He's mellower, which I find hot, considering he's adorable while he's all like that. Actually, he's just adorable at anything he does.

3. Johnny Depp (Last Position - 3)
LOOK AT HIM! No wonder women fall for Johnny Depp again and again. He's such a hottie. Personality wise and looks wise. YUM!

4. Bradley Cooper (Last Position - 4)
Once again, LOOK AT THIS YUMMY MAN! I love Bradley's eyes and I especially love it when he has facial hair. His personality is a pretty good one as well.

5. Kurt Cobain (Last Position - 5)
There's just something about Kurt that makes him just a cutie. He's very cute. His eyes are incredibly striking I love them. I just love his personality too. It's just so weird it's awesome. He's one of my favorite people to read about of all time.

6. Taylor Hawkins (Last Position - 8)
Great smile, great personality, great mannerisms, great sense of humor. It's a smile maker.

7. Ewan McGregor (Last Position - 9)
Ewan is a guy I've always found attractive. He is the reason why I watch Star Wars. He is the reason why Obi-Wan Kenobi is my favorite Jedi. He made him hot. I love his personality as well. I just love his movies.

8. Mike Judge (Last Position - .....)
Look at his face. It's just cute. His smile is gorgeous. Not having that much hair is frickin' beautiful on some guys, including Mike. I will admit it's creepy actually seeing him do Beavis & Butt-Head voices, however, it's funny because when he's just him, he's just kinda mellow. It's kinda cute.

9. Mark Wahlberg (Last Position - .....)
You're on crack if you don't think Mark's hot. He was hot as Marky Mark too, but just him and general. He's just.......... :D

10. Viggo Mortensen (Last Position - 7)
Viggo as Aragorn was flippin' HOT! Viggo's not bad in real life either.

11. Ben Stiller (Last Position - 10)
I like Ben because he's just a normal guy who just happens to be hot enough for this list.

12. Anthony Kiedis (Last Position - 6)
Don't get me wrong. Anthony is HOT, just look at the pictures above. I love his eyes and everything. He looks like a Michigan native, which I totally love. It's clear, he was at 6 for a reason.
He dropped to twelve because of his current hair:

This is the UGLIEST hair I've ever seen. He really needs to do something with that. Normally, I go for facial hair, but unfortunately, Anthony can't pull off full on hair. But what about 5 o clock shadow? Hell yeah, he can pull that off! That might of been harsh, but that's my opinion.

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