Thursday, July 14, 2011

I Think I Ripped Off U2..

So there's this challenge on the web where from July 4th - October 1st, you write 90 songs. If you do, great. If you don't, nice try. Well, I wrote a Christmas song, but it sounds way too 80's U2.. I'm debating whether to post it or not... but on the other hand, I added some cool orchestral interludes to try to make it sound less like U2, and it kinda worked.

Lyrics are coming along a little slower than planned. Everything I come up with is good for another song I'm working on. It's strange. There's this one where I'm trying something different: a Top 40 type song. I hate the Top 40, but I wanna show versatility when I do this challenge. I hope it'll work... anyways. Until next time.

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