Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Most Insignificant Blog You'll Ever Read

So, this is the part of the blog where you have the option to learn a little bit about me and why I'm doing this. So, why am I blogging? I wanna track what I'm thinking and how it effects my songwriting. I figured this is the best way seeing how I love to write.

Now, me. I'm pretty reserved, but I have an outgoing personallity, which I've always found weird.. People often falsey label me as emo when really I'm a rocker. With that said, I'm very into music. I usually tell people I can't choose a favorite band, but I think it's Nirvana and I just won't admit it.  This doesn't necessarly mean I'm obsessed with Kurt Cobain. Yes, he's a cool guy to read about and all, but their drummer Dave Grohl is alive, well, and the coolest man ever! One word to describe me would definitely be misunderstood.

When I'm asked 'how are you?' I usually answer with I dont know. It's because I usually don't know how I'm feeling, or I feel like poop and don't wanna concern people, or I just don't feel anything.

I love to write. I've written a move, many short stories, many songs, and a whole bunch more. I've drawn and written comic since I was 8,  i made litte actiton figure movies and whiteboard movies for the majority of my childhood. Then I began to write more seriously thanks to my 7th grade English tyeacher starting a writer's club.

That's anything intersting about me I felt like sharing. Goodbye.

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