Saturday, July 23, 2011

My Top List of Hot Guys

I made a list a while ago on deviantART but my taste has changed a bit, so here's a new one!

1. Dave Grohl (Last Position - 1)
Dave has the greatest smile, greatest sense of humor, and a greatest personality ever. He's not as "strikingly hot" as Chris Cornell, but his personality is one to fall for. I think he was adorable in Nirvana/early Foo Fighters. Though, his facial hair is hot.

2. Chris Cornell (Last Position - 2)
If this chart was based on looks, Chris would be #1 in a heart beat, but it's not. Chris does have a very funny personality too. He's mellower, which I find hot, considering he's adorable while he's all like that. Actually, he's just adorable at anything he does.

3. Johnny Depp (Last Position - 3)
LOOK AT HIM! No wonder women fall for Johnny Depp again and again. He's such a hottie. Personality wise and looks wise. YUM!

4. Bradley Cooper (Last Position - 4)
Once again, LOOK AT THIS YUMMY MAN! I love Bradley's eyes and I especially love it when he has facial hair. His personality is a pretty good one as well.

5. Kurt Cobain (Last Position - 5)
There's just something about Kurt that makes him just a cutie. He's very cute. His eyes are incredibly striking I love them. I just love his personality too. It's just so weird it's awesome. He's one of my favorite people to read about of all time.

6. Taylor Hawkins (Last Position - 8)
Great smile, great personality, great mannerisms, great sense of humor. It's a smile maker.

7. Ewan McGregor (Last Position - 9)
Ewan is a guy I've always found attractive. He is the reason why I watch Star Wars. He is the reason why Obi-Wan Kenobi is my favorite Jedi. He made him hot. I love his personality as well. I just love his movies.

8. Mike Judge (Last Position - .....)
Look at his face. It's just cute. His smile is gorgeous. Not having that much hair is frickin' beautiful on some guys, including Mike. I will admit it's creepy actually seeing him do Beavis & Butt-Head voices, however, it's funny because when he's just him, he's just kinda mellow. It's kinda cute.

9. Mark Wahlberg (Last Position - .....)
You're on crack if you don't think Mark's hot. He was hot as Marky Mark too, but just him and general. He's just.......... :D

10. Viggo Mortensen (Last Position - 7)
Viggo as Aragorn was flippin' HOT! Viggo's not bad in real life either.

11. Ben Stiller (Last Position - 10)
I like Ben because he's just a normal guy who just happens to be hot enough for this list.

12. Anthony Kiedis (Last Position - 6)
Don't get me wrong. Anthony is HOT, just look at the pictures above. I love his eyes and everything. He looks like a Michigan native, which I totally love. It's clear, he was at 6 for a reason.
He dropped to twelve because of his current hair:

This is the UGLIEST hair I've ever seen. He really needs to do something with that. Normally, I go for facial hair, but unfortunately, Anthony can't pull off full on hair. But what about 5 o clock shadow? Hell yeah, he can pull that off! That might of been harsh, but that's my opinion.

Cartoon: Part 1

I got my cartoon idea. I got what it's about, who its about, and blah blah blah. I still have yet to try different methods of making the animation happen. I'm too stupid to operate flash, though I'm still going to try that. Also going to try a method kinda like South Park-ish... but not. It'll be interesting.

As for songwriting.. I have many illegitimate songs in the making, however, with school band and my rock band, I've been not having much time in my day. It sucks. I'm still writing lyrics though, which is good.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Trying Something New

I'm going to make a cartoon. Just because. Kinda make it like South Park, with the whole paper concept, but the story line could be very different.

Either this, or there's a few animes I've kinda been dinkering around with. One I thought about making into a Sims series and another an online book. Not sure though.... this is a pointless blog.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Beavis and Butt-head!!

I watched Beavis and Butt-head Do America a few days ago... now I'm in love with Beavis and Butt-head. Before, my parents and brother said the show was retarded and told me one of my uncles really loves this show. However, it's uncle that has an awesome jam studio in his basement! I don't get why that's bad.

Also, since I've started watching this show, I'm more appreciative of Mike Judge:

I mean, come on. He does King of the Hill, too, therefore he's awesome.

The Adventures of Rain Dance Maggie: RHCP's New Single

So it's July 18th, and Red Hot Chili Pepper's new single hits radio waves. Going to listen to this, I was worried it'd end up like another incidence like "One Hot Minute" where they wouldn't sound like RHCP as we know it. If it did, i'd be very disappointed in one of my favorite bands of all time..

After I listened:
I was relieved it was still sounded like RHCP, but this single left me worried. Yes, it was a good song. It was solid. I listened to it about 5 times already at this point, but this was as mellow as some of their more recent b-sides. I'm worried the entire album is going to be mellow, when I want tracks like 'Around the World' or even 'By the Way' on the new album. I don't want to be disappointed in RHCP because I love them to death, but I'm deathly afraid I might be... :/

Thursday, July 14, 2011

I Think I Ripped Off U2..

So there's this challenge on the web where from July 4th - October 1st, you write 90 songs. If you do, great. If you don't, nice try. Well, I wrote a Christmas song, but it sounds way too 80's U2.. I'm debating whether to post it or not... but on the other hand, I added some cool orchestral interludes to try to make it sound less like U2, and it kinda worked.

Lyrics are coming along a little slower than planned. Everything I come up with is good for another song I'm working on. It's strange. There's this one where I'm trying something different: a Top 40 type song. I hate the Top 40, but I wanna show versatility when I do this challenge. I hope it'll work... anyways. Until next time.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Most Insignificant Blog You'll Ever Read

So, this is the part of the blog where you have the option to learn a little bit about me and why I'm doing this. So, why am I blogging? I wanna track what I'm thinking and how it effects my songwriting. I figured this is the best way seeing how I love to write.

Now, me. I'm pretty reserved, but I have an outgoing personallity, which I've always found weird.. People often falsey label me as emo when really I'm a rocker. With that said, I'm very into music. I usually tell people I can't choose a favorite band, but I think it's Nirvana and I just won't admit it.  This doesn't necessarly mean I'm obsessed with Kurt Cobain. Yes, he's a cool guy to read about and all, but their drummer Dave Grohl is alive, well, and the coolest man ever! One word to describe me would definitely be misunderstood.

When I'm asked 'how are you?' I usually answer with I dont know. It's because I usually don't know how I'm feeling, or I feel like poop and don't wanna concern people, or I just don't feel anything.

I love to write. I've written a move, many short stories, many songs, and a whole bunch more. I've drawn and written comic since I was 8,  i made litte actiton figure movies and whiteboard movies for the majority of my childhood. Then I began to write more seriously thanks to my 7th grade English tyeacher starting a writer's club.

That's anything intersting about me I felt like sharing. Goodbye.